Trying the Internet thing again
It’s been a long time since I’ve done much with any websites. I’ve practically abandoned my YouTube, though I continuously tell myself I’m going to make videos again. I’m sure the first video where I speak about removing the genital bones of road kill would get flagged, and in less than a week, my whole channel would be shut down…..probably not, but I don’t really want to go through the work for the possibility. I also feel like I’ve really done enough videos to give people an idea of what some of my basic techniques are like.
Forgive the amateur appearance of my little website, as I’m not very technologically savvy. Hopefully as I fiddle with this page, I’ll make something a little more fitting in appearance, but don’t hold your breath. I’m notoriously lazy when it comes to things like this, hence the lack of new YouTube videos in some time.
As for this blog, I’ll be sharing my personal thoughts on folk magic, conjure, spirits; personal plugs for my books and services; along with the feverish ramblings of a root doctor who went past being high on life - I got strung out on it.
Welcome to Rehab.
Dr. Corbeaux