BaBa GeDe Igbo Bey “La Kwa” - Joe Fisher - Gullah Geechee Elder, Wudun Priest, my beloved Godfather.
Youtube Channel - Dr. Corbeaux’s Feel-Good Fun-Time Medicine Show!
TikTok - Lazarus Corbeaux on TikTok
Doc LeRoy S. Bolt - my godson. If you’d like a hoodoo card reading over the phone; he is generally available at shorter notice than myself.
Conjure, Cards, & Curio - full service spiritual supply shop and esoteric provider of only the finest hand crafted potions and curios.
Paolo F: Tarot - excellent Tarot reader; this is who I go to for divination.
S-Aldarnay - Amazing Orisha, Occult, and Planetary Magic art.